We are the Pastoral Advisory Council - humble servants of God, faithful sons and daughters of the Church. We pray for the Church, for the intentions of Pope Francis, for the intentions of Archbishop John Wester, for the intentions of Fr. John Daniel, our Pastor. Comprised of leadership of the Ministries and Organizations of the Parish, we pray for IHM Parish and St. Joseph’s Mission and humbly serve as advisors to Fr. John Daniel. We pray that the souls may serve together as one body and one spirit in Christ, steadfastly in His Will and Light.

Please call the parish office with comments, questions, or suggestions: (505) 662-6193.

Council Members
CouncilorMinistry Represented
Pam CollinsFIAT
Dominic DinkelMember at Large
Ruth DoyleMeals Ministry
Gardening Committee
Leslie Esquibel — SecretaryNatural Family Planning
Paul GrubelKnights of Columbus
Rebecca Hehl — Vice ChairMember at Large
James KuropatwinskiAdoration
Shelly KuropatwinskiExtraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist
Stacy McLaughlinLoaves and Fish
Homeless Bags
Teams of our Lady
Rachel MeyerNatural Family Planning
Home-School Co-op
Lay Dominicans
Peter SantiMember at Large
Yvette SanchezMember at Large
Annette SehornChristian Concern Committee
Bridget WilsonBaptism
Steve Wilson — ChairBaptism