IHM's Prayer Chain

Pray at all times and on every occasion in the power of the Holy Spirit. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all Christians everywhere.
~ Ephesians 6:18

IHM's Prayer Chain

IHM is so blessed to have its own Prayer Chain. If you have a prayer request, please call IHM's Prayer Chain Coordinator Lucille Kleczka (672-1532).

This powerful ministry is part of IHM but not restricted to our Parish. It is open to anyone, of any denomination, who needs the power of prayer working for them or their loved ones. This praying group consists of parishioners who want to pray for the spiritual, emotional and physical needs of all.

Prayers Confidential

All prayer requests are confidential, only the information that the caller feels comfortable in giving is needed.

People request prayers for:

Upcoming events
Better health
A school exam
A child' well being
A soldier in harms way
A daughter's happiness

The most rewarding of all prayers, are naturally the prayers of thanksgiving.

How the Prayer Chain Works

Each link in the chain belongs to one of our parishioners. The requested prayers begin with Lucille Kleczka, the Prayer Chain contact, she emails the prayer request to all the members of the prayer chain. It would be fair to say that the prayers of the faithful are soon bombarding the gates of Heaven.

New Members

If you would like to join this wonderful ministry, please call Lucille. New members are always welcome.