The Sacraments

Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Thy faithful
and enkindle in them the fire of Thy love.

The Sacrament of Baptism

The sacrament of Baptism is available at Immaculate Heart of Mary. The first step in scheduling a Baptism is to call the Parish Office and schedule an appointment with our pastor. Detail of the requirments for parents and Godparents as well as the schedule for our Baptism Class can be found on our Baptism Preparation Flyer.

The Sacrament of the Eucharist

The Sacrament of the Eucharist is available at all Masses and Communion services. Ministers also distribute the Eucharist to those that are in the hospital, Sombrillo, Aspen Ridge, or shut in at home. If you are unable to attend mass and would like to receive this sacrament, please call the church office at 662-6193.
Mass Times

The Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion

The sacraments of First Reconciliation and the Eucharist are offered yearly. Students should be enrolled and attending their regular grade level class and have had two previous years of formal Catholic religious education prior to being eligible to attend sacramental classes. A contact letter will be sent prior to the sacramental classes.

This year we will prepare students, Third grade and older, for First Reconciliation in the fall and for Eucharist in the spring. Whether to receive these sacraments is a personal decision for each family because it is not necessary to receive both sacraments in one year; however, the students are required by Diocesan policy and Code of Canon Law to receive Reconciliation prior to Eucharist.

First Reconciliation and First Communion candidates will meet once a month with parents for their sacramental preparation beginning in September, from 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm in the parish hall. Please note that children must attend two years of Religious Education before sacramental preparation.

For more information, please contact the Religious Education Office at 662-7773.

The Sacrament of Reconciliation

General confessions are heard at various times of the week. Please see the following schedule.
Confession Times

RCIA - Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults

Classes are available throughout the year.
Please call or email the Parish Office (505-662-6193) for additional information.
More about RCIA.

The Sacrament of Confirmation

"St Thomas Aquinas calls Confirmation the ‘Sacrament of the fullness of grace,’ meaning that the graces of Baptism reach their proper end and perfection in the reception of Confirmation. The Sacrament is conferred in order to give the baptized the fullness of the Holy Spirit, the fullness of grace, and the fullness of gifts needed to live the Christian vocation in the world. In receiving Confirmation, the (confirmed) takes on the same role as the Apostles in spreading the Faith."

The Sacraments: Source of Our Life in Christ

Before entering the final period of preparation for Confirmation, each student must have recently completed a year of religious education in high school. This year, the required pre-confirmation year of RE will be in the form of sessions all together on Sunday evenings. The objective of the pre-confirmation sessions will be to establish a Catholic worldview by discussing core truths of the Faith that can influence how we approach daily life.

After at least one year of RE in high school, students can enter the official time of preparing for Confirmation. To prepare the Confirmation candidate for the role of spreading and defending the faith the program at IHM has several components:

After Confirmation, students are encouraged to continue on their faith journey by attending other youth ministry activities and helping facilitate programs for their peers.

Any high school student interested in Confirmation can contact the Religious Education Office at 662-7773 or by email to the Director of Religious Education or the Religious Education Secretary.

Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick

If you or someone you know, is in need of this Sacrament, please call the church office at 662-6193. After Office Hours Emergency Number, please call 662-6921.

The Sacrament of Matrimony

Marriage Preparation must begin at least four months prior to the marriage. Please contact the Parish Office at 662-6193 for more information.

The Sacrament of Holy Orders

There is a great need for more priests and religious in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe as well as the country. If you are being called to a religious vocation, please contact Fr. John Daniel through the Parish Office at 662-6193 for more information.